Mr Shouty Head and Pickle Toes

I have a very shouty head and also (now) a very shouty mouth (more on that in a bit). I’ve learnt, because I’ve taken up meditation and now have a relatively quieter mental point of reference, that my inner voice which so delights to trash me and make me as miserable as inhumanly possible, isContinue reading “Mr Shouty Head and Pickle Toes”

What on Earth…?

I came here to live, not merely exist, for if I only exist, I shall spend my days yearning to live, nor will I ever stop until I am no more. The politics of life on Earth scorns me, but I am more than that, always. How do I know this? I have lived withContinue reading “What on Earth…?”

You cannot earn or make yourself worthy of love

In July 2020, as a few of you will know, I briefly died and on returning to this dear but beleaguered and much abused planet, I discovered that the severe depression which had been my ‘companion’ for the vast majority of my life had healed. I could ‘see’ where it had been, but all thatContinue reading “You cannot earn or make yourself worthy of love”

The inner monologue and why we don’t think we’re amazing when we are

If you are not aware of your inner monologue, it’s the voice that’s just said, “What’s he on about?” Let’s be clear about our inner monologue or voice, it’s a critic, it’s a carping, down driving, dismal damned critic, which has the (almost) sole purpose of making us feel bad. If there’s anyone out thereContinue reading “The inner monologue and why we don’t think we’re amazing when we are”